A word about crybabies

Attorney Paul Denni

Attorney Paul Denni

As I write this, my daughter cries from the other room, given she was just put down for a nap.  

I hate hearing her cry. It rips me apart from the inside out. Sounds dramatic maybe, but that's how it feels.  

And that kid cries every time I put her down for a nap, or put her to bed at night, even though she soon falls asleep. Every. Single. Time. No exceptions. No breaks for dad. 

Crying is her gateway to sleep. 

And there are times in life when tears are justified: crying babies, broken relationships, chopping onions. 

But there are other times when I have less tolerance for tears, like for tears of regret (someone f'd up), crocodile tears (tears of manipulation), or tears of joy falling from the eyes of my enemies (self-explanatory). 

At your funeral, there will likely be tears of sadness, perhaps even tears of joy cried by your enemies. 

But I really hope there will be no tears of regret. You have this one, very short life, and it's up to you to make the most of every minute of every day.  
You don't want to put off the things that need to be said or done today until tomorrow, when tomorrow may be too late. 

In the other room, my daughter is still crying, because she hasn't yet fallen asleep. And I imagine that one day she will also cry at my funeral (god that's dark).  

But reality - though hard to face at times - must be faced nonetheless. 

Here's a cold, hard reality to face: when you die, if you don't have a trust set up, your estate will have to pass through probate court and it will be a real pain in the booty for your family to deal with. 

So don't wait, don't delay, and if you're anything like me: don't make the lives of your family members any harder than you've already made it for them while you were living. 

If you don't want to have any regrets; if you want to seize the bull by the horns; and if you want to take responsibility and start making things happen rather than act like all the other crybabies making excuses and wallowing in their self pity, you can get my low-cost California living trust by following the link here: 


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Denni Law, Inc.