My top 3 books on money

Just got off of Facetime with my daughter, who lives with her mom in CA. She decided she’d show me her entire sticker collection (took about 20 minutes). T’was an amalgam of Harry Potter, roller skates, Harry Potter, unicorns, heart-shaped sunglasses, Harry Potter, and Harry Potter stickers. I didn’t teach her to be a hoarder, […]

The story behind more money in your pocket

Humans are suckers for a good story. Fiction, biographies, movies, Netflix documentaries… People gobble this stuff up. Why? Sure, there is a distraction element to it: you can momentarily forget your own problems when you watch a horror movie about a girl trapped in a house fleeing a killer. But there’s much more to it […]

A simple wealth-building formula you can implement today

I’ve read a lot of books about wealth. I’ve met a lot of wealthy people. I, myself, am becoming more and more wealthy with each passing day. And what bugs me is all the gurus out there with their shirts off on instasuck and knit-twitter telling you they have “the secret” to becoming wealthy overnight. […]

How to bring simplicity back to your finances

If you’re worried about money, you’re not alone. Financial worry is one of the most common worries of all humans. Let alone, entrepreneurs who are trying to increase revenue, pay taxes, save, and put food on the table. The thing about money is that it’s easy to overcomplicate it, which will add unnecessary stress. Becoming […]

A simple trick to save more money during an inflated economy

I read a recent report that said Americans are saving much less these days. According to this article, the average personal savings rate of Americans has been 8.9% of gross income for decades. In 2023, the average dipped to 4.6%. You may be well above the average, or far below it. Shit, with current inflation […]

How a CA power of attorney can prevent problems with your gf’s bank account

My brother and his girlfriend have lived together for several years, but they’ve always had separate bank accounts. I don’t know if it’s a trust thing or what. Obviously they love each other and trust each other enough to share a home together, along with all the responsibilities that come with it. I think for […]

How minimalism can make you wealthy

Minimalism is the philosophy of gaining “more” by owning/ pursuing/ acquiring “less.” Ever since I started reading blogs about minimalism when they started springing up a decade or so ago, I became fascinated with the idea. Getting rid of extra stuff that clutters up your life is psychologically and emotionally freeing. Plus, it helps you […]

How to Care for Your Kids Without Lifting a Finger

Having a child can sometimes feel like having your money walk around outside of your bank account.  But we still love ’em, right? My daughter is only 8, but I’m already teaching her about money. I’m teaching her how to earn, save, and spend. I also want her to learn the power money has to buy […]

What is Capital Gains Tax?

What is capital gains tax? Taxes are one of the surest and greatest expenses you will pay in your adult life. As savers, we hate taxes. Yet, we still pay them, because getting into trouble with the federal and state governments is not a feasible long term savings strategy either. A capital gains tax is […]